How Does Asbestos Collection & Handling Work?

On this page we help to answer the question:
“How does asbestos collection and handling work?”
We will help you understand how asbestos handling and collection works to keep you safe.
Asbestos Collection & Handling – What You Need To Know To Stay Safe!
If you are looking for a company to carry out asbestos removal, then one of the areas that can commonly be overlooked is the collection and handling of asbestos. When you are hiring a company to remove the asbestos you must also make sure that they are licensed and able to dispose of asbestos.
In this article we are going to give you some guidelines that will allow you to stay safe and find the company that will be able to remove asbestos and also do so legally without putting you any risk.
We will also advise on how to find a company that is able to dispose of asbestos safely.
The first thing that you will want to make sure is that any company you use for asbestos removal is a licensed contractor that abides by the control of asbestos regulations. This is a set of regulations that came into force in 2012.
Any contractor that is working to remove asbestos should be licensed and follow these regulations.
This also means that you are able to stay safe, you will also have more confidence that a good job will be done, and it will be far less hassle.
The type of asbestos work that should be carried out by a licensed contractor is asbestos removal, working with sprayed asbestos coatings, working with asbestos lagging and also working with asbestos insulation as well is asbestos insulation board. You can read on the different types of asbestos here.
We highly recommend that even if you suspect asbestos you work with a licensed contractor to stay safe.
You can carry out non licensed asbestos work but remember if the asbestos is disturbed then you are at risk of long-term fatal health conditions.
It can be very easy to disturb asbestos and if you absolutely have to work with it yourself make sure that you do not use power tools or any method that can create a lot of dust. Do not sweep up dust and debris make sure that you use a Type H vacuum cleaner or wet rags.
Make sure that you have the proper clothing for asbestos work and make sure that you do not eat or drink in the work area.
Best Practices For Working With Asbestos:
The best practices to be put in place by a company that is working with asbestos is to find the asbestos containing materials and plan to remove them whilst disturbing these materials as little as possible. It goes without saying that anyone that is going to work with asbestos should have the appropriate training and be supervised.
There should also be a plan of work, full explanation of what the job involves work procedures and also the correct controls to use.
Of course, you also need to make sure that they are using the correct equipment that will protect you against asbestos.
There are also laws around the handling and disposal of asbestos in the UK.
This is why we highly advice getting a professional company to remove and dispose of the asbestos.
Asbestos Handling Laws:
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012: This sets out the legal duties of employers, self-employed people, and duty holders in relation to asbestos.
The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009: This sets out requirements for the transport of asbestos waste, including labeling and packaging requirements.
Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011: This sets out requirements for the storage, collection, treatment, and disposal of waste, including asbestos waste.
Approved Code of Practice and guidance L127 “Managing and working with asbestos”: This provides practical guidance on how to comply with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
While you can attempt to remove and dispose of the asbestos yourself – the danger to your health means that it is far easier to get a professional company to do this for you.
How To Dispose Of Asbestos?
Even if you are going to carry out unlicensed work yourself with asbestos it would still need to be disposed of. You can find checklists that will help you with the correct steps for disposing of asbestos, but this is another reason why we highly recommend getting a good company to do this for you.
This means that you can have the asbestos disposed without putting yourself at risk and also you will know that everything is above board and legal.
Disposing of asbestos waste will need a CDG hazard label and also the asbestos code information visible. Most asbestos waste will also need to be double wrapped and labelled.
It is also a good idea to avoid breaking up large pieces of asbestos waste and is better to wrap and suitable polythene sheeting and label according.
To be able to transport the asbestos waste you will need a waste carriers’ license, this is another reason why it is a good idea to get an asbestos removal company to do this for you.
You will also need to use a licensed asbestos disposal site to be able to dispose of the waste.
While you can perform some asbestos removal that does not require a license, when you add in all of the risks such as putting yourself and your health at risk. Then when you weigh up the licenses you need both of being able to deal with asbestos and also a waste carriers license it makes far more sense to get a reputable company to do this for you.
We highly recommend that any company that you hire for asbestos removal you double check their licenses for asbestos handling and removal. You can read a handy company checklist here.
Another idea for you is to get an asbestos survey that will allow you to see the scope of the work that needs to be carried out and if need be, you can also get asbestos sampling that will help you ascertain whether you have asbestos.
The good news is that if you get a reputable company to do this for you the job can be quick and easy and can also be done for your safety in mind.
Because Asbestos can be so deadly, and it is very easy to disturb asbestos our recommendation is to find a professional company near you to carry out the work.
Next Steps:
If you are looking for help with asbestos removal or if you have any questions about disposal and collection you can contact us on this page. You can also check out our frequently asked questions page where we have covered some of the top questions around asbestos removal and how to make it simple.
You can also call us from the contact page, and we will be able to give you a no obligation quote and answer any questions that you may have.
We serve Northampton and the surrounding areas and have recently expanded into Oxford – so be sure to contact us for asbestos removal.
Thanks for reading and we hope this is helped you understand a little bit more about asbestos collection and handling and what needs to happen to make this safe.
Related FAQ’s:
Different Types Of Asbestos and Removal:
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How Does Asbestos Sampling Work?
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You can also get back to our main FAQ page by clicking here…